I played baseball intensively from the time I was seven years old all the way through highschool. I've been getting nastalgic about it lately , so I did these pieces.

The batter above is just entering the batting circle to warm up as he gives the current batter a motivational clap. That's what My old highschool uniform looked like.

I gave this guy a 1960's Yankee uniform. Batters looked cooler without helmets. I love this moment just as the ball is leaving the pitchers hand, and even as the batter shifts his weight to antic he is still judging to see if the pitch is going to be hitable. It all happens so fast.

Jackie Robinson (above) had a great stockey build. He was springy but heavy. I always loved his 1960's Dodger uniform.

The batter above is just entering the batting circle to warm up as he gives the current batter a motivational clap. That's what My old highschool uniform looked like.
I gave this guy a 1960's Yankee uniform. Batters looked cooler without helmets. I love this moment just as the ball is leaving the pitchers hand, and even as the batter shifts his weight to antic he is still judging to see if the pitch is going to be hitable. It all happens so fast.

Jackie Robinson (above) had a great stockey build. He was springy but heavy. I always loved his 1960's Dodger uniform.
Hey, great Blog. Love the designs.
YEAH!!! I love these! and your descriptions really make me want to go play ball again...NOW! but i wouldn't be cool like the Yankee, I'd look like a football player with a helmet, sliding pants and elbow pad cause I've turned into a wimp. and no tabacco either, just sunflower seeds in my back pocket. I really like how you made all 3 different moments in the game and used 3 different eras of uniforms and body shapes... Now drop that pen, grab your glove and lets GOoooo!!!
these are really cool - love the robinson.
dammit shane...TOO awesome! the detail on the top uniform is really appealing. I think I like the pose of the last guy most. And his tiny feet! :)
Mercy! Argh! So awesome! Can't bare it! I want more!
Dude, I'm annoyed that they don't wear stirrups as prominently anymore.
I love the pitcher designer. So cool the way you designed the hands. and yeah, dude, whenever you are free we can grab something to eat. I am f*cked by the immigration office...or is it pixar? hahahaha!
Those are all great Shane, I especially love the Jackie Robinson.
Guys thanks allot!! Hopefully even if people don't like basebalkl I could at least giv a cool feel to some baseball images.
MACLEOD- Dude , me to! It looked so cool the way Dimagio and Williams wore there uniforms. And Honus wagner too!! I actualy did a Honus Wagner piece that I'll post later. Todays uniforms are B.S.
Amazing Stuff here! Thanks for the comments. I have been a huge fan of yours for a long time now.
These are great Shane. Dig the old school uniforms.
Your drawings ooze appeal.
Thanks for stopping by my blog.
thanks man. these baseball dudes are really nice. i feel like buying some baseball cards now. cardboard gum and all.
yeah, dont be heackling me, i dont even know why im on the panel. ill drop your blog in the session.
i love the guy chewing!!!!!
good work!
Man these are great dude!! Your designs are so fluid and ful of life!
Yeah winter has hit down here in NZ and it's freakin freezing!!! Thankfully, it doesn't get to windy up here in Auckland, that's saved for the Wellingtonianites (people from Wellington)!!!
Wicked stuff Shane.
These drawings are so inspiring! I've been picking away at an old-time hockey comic forever and this is really invigorating to look at.
Old sports images are the best.
Really Cool Shane, awesome to see more stuff on here! Full color too, wowserrrrr
Hey Shane, neat baseball images. And thanks also for stopping by. You got some great work here.
WoW!!! These Are Amazing
Great designs, man! Nice touch you have. You really push design well.
Killer designs, man...I can smell the dust and dirt on their knees...wait; that sounds weird. Beautiful work, Shane. I love the hands of the first one.
wow. great great stuff
Amazing.... Amazing.... It makes me smile every time you post. So keep it up,I want to smile every day... :)
Your work is feels so carefree like you just throw it down so easily :) Very nice flow to all your lines!
Shane, your baseballers are great... like 22 persons before me already said... but I really like the treatment and colors, and their expressions are very interesting too :-)
God , your painting is getting so good!
these are fantastic! they're shape give them immediate personalities.
THese are AWESOME!! WOW!
these are NICE!!!
these are things of beauty. You make it look simple. Brilliant
These are amazing!
Dude, these drawings are the shitballs. I think that's the first time anyone's ever used a wad of tobacco as part of a gesture...f-en outstanding! You should totally do some elderly mermaids, regardless of lateness. A lot of late-joiners have done some of the old assignments. The first was deformed sorcerers, so you can bust out the ol' monster manual and do some of them too! I'll see if I can get Teddy Newton to join. Awesome, man! Sketch greatly!
Yo Shane, you just made me wet my pants with these! Holy crap! Love the one on top. Hey, I'm in town so we should get together sometime this week. email me your number so I can call you! Catch ya later! Chris
Awesome stuff man . Love 'em !
You really got your old uniform right, the dirt from always slidding and everything, I love it!
You really should go play ball.
Soooo Good Shane. The color and loose quality. Great stuff
These are phenomenally awesome!
Absolutely beautiful designs. : )
i don't like baseball, but i love these. well done shane. well done.
Jesus, these are amazing!
Really awesome, Shane; they have a great nostalgic feeling about them.
The way you handle cloth is amazing! An inspiration, Shane.
i love these guy's just love them, to show my love i did a little drawing to show how much i like them, if you have time check out my blog, thanks for the great post, and i can't wait to see whats next. bye 4 now.
Goodness I love these. These are amazing.
WOW!!! I love the baseball players!!!
Awesome blog! Amazing stuff. I love the pitcher design... They are all really cool though! Very inspiring work
Great style !
WOW! glad i found your blog. GREAT stuff. mind if i link?
Flippin' gorgeous stuff shane!
Really nice designs! I love that style, glad I found your blog!
Keep up the great stuff!
Holy cr*p these are soooo good. !!
so rad man! so rad! I played baseball when I was real little, but they always stuck me in the out field... behind the fence. Not sure what that meant. So I got into animation instead. Later!
These are great!
Where's the Angels ya big JERK?!!
You know! The LOS ANGELES Angels of ANAHEIM! Duh...
Not much into baseball, but love the designs
Suuhhhhh-weeeeet! Love 'em!
This is a beautiful series. I really like this style of yours.
soooo cooool!!! your blog rocks bro!
Hey Shane! I really dig that first baseball player. Such a cool design! Hope you're doing well, man :)
These are lovely, Shane!
These are awesome.
P.s. I love the planes too, especially the old ones!!!
Planes rule!
Great work on the baseball characters as well as the other great work on the blog. Are you familiar with Joe Moshier? I think you will really enjoy his work.
take care,
OHHHHH!!! I just love your work!!Amazing! THANKS!!
incredible series. Love the baseball theme. sure would make a nice bound collection if you did a whole bunch of these.
maybe bonds didn't hit us that home run ball cause you didn't draw him yet. great.
Man, I love these three pieces. They would look amazing side by side in a frame. A constant source of inspiration. Thanx!
that jackie is killer!!! great stuff!
nice poses and your hands are great!
I love this design!
yeah, I still love em.
For your book, are you gonna do just caricatures of pro players or a mix of lots of leagues and ages? Is there a waiting list for the book :)?
Hey everyone, HOLY CRAP, I'm glad everyone likes these guys. And to answer your question Nathan Lindsay- I have a ton of baseball doodles and moments that cover everything from Little league to 1940s Womens leagues , to turn of the century to present. And maybe a couple charicatures and Omages here and there. But all different takes and styles. It will fill a book. I love drawing this stuff and people have been bugging me to do some sort of sketch book. Well this will be the first.
Again, Thank you everyone for your incredibly kind feed back. It is greatly apreciated.
Shane Prigmore
Stunning artworks! Great style and technique, is it Cintiq?
wow!!! these guys are awesome!!
These are incredible, you are winning at life.
Really fantastic! Are these Digital?
Love this!
Jackie is just awesome. Are these digital?
so I'm guessing your baseball players book won't be under my christmas tree this year...I'll be extra good next year. Please Shane Claus. :)
Hi I love your style and found what appears to be a blatant copy of one of your baseball characters here
Just thought you might want to know.
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