I will post art soon , but first things first...FRIDAY FEBRUARY 6th- CORALINE OPENS IN THEATERS EVERYWHERE! Back in 2006 Henry Selick invited a group of us to join the team that would Create LAIKA Studio's first feature film , CORALINE.We Immediately knew this was special. The film and the studio took risks! The team Henry compiled was not to be believed , and I was honored to be a part of it. Shannon Tindle , Dan Krall, and Myself , would be responsible for the FINAL CHARACTER DESIGN in the film. (Kent Melton and Chris Butler had much to do with the final stages of Other Mother as well). After having designed so many of the characters in the film, I was then asked by Henry to continue to design and develop the Facial Animation (expressions and dialogue) for the head replacements of every character in the film, even producing many 2D animation tests along the way. The BEST stop motion team in history took what I did and went to town! (Below are some I worked with closely)

-VIS DEV :Dan Krall, Shannon Tindle, Chris Appelhans, Jon Klassen, Andy Schuhler, Stef Choi
-SCULPTORS : Kent Melton, Damon Bard, Leo Rijn, Tony Merrithew, Scott Foster
-STORY: Chris Butler, Andy Schuhler, Vera Brosgol, Graham Annable, Mike Cachuela , Ovi Nedelcu
-MODEL BUILDERS: Mike Murnane , Charlie Daniels , Fon Davis
-PUPPET FABRICATION: Georgina Hayns, Jill Ahllstrand
-ANIMATION: Anthony Scott , Trey Thomas....AND MANY MORE!!!!!!!!

congratulations. I am really looking forward to this. Everything I've seen so far looks above and beyond great.
Coraline looks incredible, Shane! I can't wait to see it. I work down the street from The Cartoon Art Museum and I am PUMPED that there will be an exhibit there! Here's hoping the film does very well!!
Awesome dude, we can't wait to see it!! So is an "Art Of" book not planned?
Thanks guys, Now go see it opening weekend!!!
A book entitled "CORALINE , A VISUAL GUIDE" was released a couple of weeks ago , and they chose to not show anyones work but Tadahiro Uesugi's environmental designs , old character explorations that were never used in the film , and costume explorations that were done after we had already designed the final characters. None of the character designer's work appears in the book...Nor does any of the incredible environmental and set design or sculptures and story boards that the Vis Dev team and Story team produced.
Very sad.
Really looking forward to this Shane. Congrats!
Hi Shane,
I just stumbled onto your site...sure was great getting to work with you on 'Coraline'. Hope to work with you again soon!
Hey dude, thanks for the comment back!
That's quite unbelievable about that 'visual guide' book and to have no Art Of book is a huge missed opportunity, especially this day and age when every CG animated film has one and with so many talented peeps working on the film... lame!!
I'm sure that it'll happen one day bro, Nightmare eventually got a pretty cool one!!
can't wait for it Shane. I hear nothing but great things!
Par for the course-- we all work in anonymity as part of the greater magic, I guess. Bummer!
Can't wait to see it!
I saw the trailer on over and over. This movie will be great! So excited!
Hi Shane.
Thanks for kind words.
Can't wait for Coraline.
The characters are really nice!
Post more stuff Shane,your drawings are amazing.
Looks great, the facial expressions are absolutely amazing!
Can't wait for the movie to come out. Thanks for sharing so many juicy links!
Come to Paris if you wish!!!Coraline will be fantastic...i'm sure! Gabriele
Hi Shane,
Thanks for compliments in my blog, your work is very inspiration for me, congrats.
your works ar Awesome and so professional man,
i put you in my links,
and like to to see your new works,,,and CAROLINE az soon az posible
I'm gonna go see this for sure!
Your stuff looks so awesome. Too bad the "Art Of" book came out disappointing. I subscribed to your blog. Hope to see more updates soon. Thanks for visiting my blog too!
i am on the edge of my seat waiting for this film. thats really cool that you got the chance to work on such a beautiful looking film. and its not 3d! who wouldve thought? lol
Excellent post reflecting all of your hard work on this film. I'm bringing as many people as I can to see this upon opening. Congrats - looks awesome!
What up Shane!! Woo Hooooo!! Looking forward to the Coralineeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HOLY CRAP!! can't wait to see this! i also can't wait for your lecture on Friday.
Awesome! I'm so excited about this movie!
Hey Shane, Things look great. I'm glad that the project came together nicely. I was wondering what program you work in for illustrating - trying to branch out a bit from PS - or if it's PS you're using, any cool tool suggestions? Check me out when you get a chance - tell your friends!
Looks like you guys have created a 'modern classic 'with CORALINE-can't wait to see what you've cooked up, in 3-D too.
Its a shame that here in spain we have to wait until 26 of june to the opening of the film...
a dirty shame!!!
Hey Shane,
Caroline looks SA-WEET! Can't wait to see. Hope it kicks butt at the box office!
I know Christmas is over, but I'm a Christmas nut, so thanks for the nice comments on "Big C little a" re: my snowman illo. I did a similar version of Santa for my folk art blog... Thinking (hoping) it will be used for a box set. If it does I'll send you one!
My friend Bridget and Clare worked on the film - still there. I visited the sets early last year and saw the weeks rushes. It looks amazing, really amazing. Itching to see it, will have to wait till it hits the UK.
Looks like a great film...but can't wait to see your work on this.
Happy Birthday, Shane!! Wow, I think you're older than my husband. Weird! We really want to see Coraline and it would be fun to see it with you. I think the last movie we saw together was The Three Musketeers!! So are you free that weekend?
Hey Shane,
I just checked out the exhibit at the Cartoon Art, and wanted to commend all of you on an amazing job. Those puppets look incredible up close, and the drawings on display are fun and inspiring. The book released in conjunction with the film really does poor service to the work you guys put into it.
I can't wait to the those puppets move Feb 6! Congrats on the great work!
Hey Shane--
Saw the exhibit at the Cartoon Art Museum on Saturday--AMAZING STUFF!!!!
As excited as I was to see the movie before, now multiply that by about 100 billion.
Looks fantastic man! Can't wait to see the finished product.
I'm glad everyone is excited!!! Alot of the crew just went to the L.A. industry screening last Wednesday. Holy crap ,it is just incredible. We are all preparing alot of our design work to show at the Coraline Panel at Gallery Nucleus this Saturday (February 7th). I need to get up to the Cartoon Art Museum to check out the exhibit as well! Its good to hear that it is actualy cool! GO SEE IT !!!!
It's just basic Photoshop. I just use every basic bare bones tool. I am not smart enough to create , or download new brushes and what not.
Looking forward to this film. Can't wait man!
you forgot to add me to the story people you worked with. no love for the OVInator.
Hey Shane, just got back from the panel at Nucleus (Guy with the bright orange hair in a yellow shirt) and I can't wait to actually get out and see the movie now I'm so stoked after that panel.
I grew up across the street from Kent, his band used to play/record in our living room. Did he have anything to do with the lowrider stingray ?
Loved it! Thanks for showing me something unlike anything else I've ever seen before. Encore!!!
thank you for this great post, shane! :D
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